Contact Us
Send us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Guests are not seated until their party is complete and inside the building.
RESERVATIONS are taken by phone 515-255-4111
(not through forms, emails or FB)
for parties of 6 or more.
Maximum party size is 10 on weekends and 16 on weeknights. These reservations are for specific blocks of time, not for open un-ending times. We limit the number of reservations we accept so there is plenty of room for other diners.
WAITING LIST, aka "calling ahead", is not a reservation. You may phone the restaurant 515-255-4111 during dining hours and ask to be put on the waiting list when you are on your way to the restaurant. If you live in the immediate neighborhood or are traveling into the metro from far away, we suggest phoning 30 minutes in advance of your arrival to be placed on the list. If you do not arrive within one hour of calling ahead, your name will be removed from the list, as we will imagine you have changed your mind. Our crystal ball is on the fritz, so we are unable to forecast or predict waiting times.